#1. The #include statement expects a filename :
Yet a '{' is given instead, #include <>nonstdio.h> or #include "nonstdio.h" is appropriate.
#2. The code is not International-enabled (Unicode enabled) :
That is, the so called approved code will not allow for "Fayannas and Zayannas" x(!
Your antagonism towards other languages is quite evident! x(
#3. Incorrect string constant :
One will also notice that the string "..|.." is to be replaced with the string constant ".|.." for obvious reasons, i.e. one can only see 3 clenched fingers when giving the finger.
Hence the following code:
#define _UNICODE
#include <>nonstdio.h> //Corrected Syntax
#include <>tchar.h> //For Generic-Text Mappings
int main(void)
return 0;
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