Thursday, February 28, 2008

Come on Baby Light My Fire!!!

RATMALANA, Sri Lanka -- Teddy gets down to business after landing on home soil.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Depth of Field Rocks!!!

Depth of field (Copyright © 2008 Darth Teddy)

APSLEY LOCK, Hemel Hempstead - DT still playing with his new toy.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lying in Wait



Lying in Wait (Copyright (cc) 2008 B Kahuna)

PANADURA, Sri Lanka -- In news breaking from Kahuna's Lair this morning, it is learned that Kahuna's household feline Waffles had launched a surreptitious bid to hunt squirrels.

The would-be hunter was seen lurking on a wall-mounted feeding platform meant for squirrels and birds. However, even in stealth mode, maintaining a low radar profile among the bread and bananas appeared to be a most challenging exercise. The local contingent of squirrels skipped breakfast and Waffles was seen peeking over the wall at irregular intervals to survey the situation.

Kahuna arrived on the scene armed with His camera thereafter and disrupted further buffoonery. No squirrels were harmed during the proceedings, although they did have a late breakfast.

Captured on 24th February 2008 using a Canon EOS 30D (EF 50mm 1:1.8 II) on aperture priority. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Need I Say More?

Absolut Joy (Copyright © 2008 Darth Teddy)

EVANS WHARF, Hemel Hempstead -- Made good use of my new 50mm lens. I am sure most of you would agree. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Little Drops of Teddy

Little Drops of Teddy (Copyright © 2008 Darth Teddy)

EVANS WHARF LOO, Watford -- Little drops of Teddy taken using his new Canon Digital SLR 400D on aperture priority (f/3.5) and a resultant shutter speed of 1/200th of a second.

Punxsutawney Phil Delivers on Agreement with Gordon

GOBBLER’S KNOB, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania -- Notable meteorological groundhog Punxsutawney Phil made good on his agreement with arch-climatologist Ebenezer Gordon yesterday and extended winter by another six weeks. Phil saw his shadow as he came out of his burrow and sealed the chilly fate of the planet.

Gordon is believed to have bribed Phil in early 2005 and entered into a five-year agreement to extend winter. Although, Phil delivered in both 2005 and 2006, Kahuna is suspected to have confounded plans in 2007 by concocting inclement weather conditions at the crucial moment.

Speaking to KNN, Kahuna said that Phil's latest action was "regrettable" and vowed to counter Gordon's Global Cooling initiative by any means necessary.