Saturday, June 06, 2009

The Kahuna-Vandoofus Dialogs: Part 1 - The Data Controller

MURRAY HILL, New York -- Due to the unusually high volume of bogus dialogs between Vandoofus and Kahuna, Vandoofus has decided to document some of these on the Circus. The following is the first and the most recent of many such dialogs—which also incidentally, divulges insight to Kahuna's suspected anomalous sexual habits. This was unintended and any innuendos to Kahuna's personal life is purely coincidental.

The dialog began after a message intended for one Kim (Name changed to conceal identity) was mistakenly sent to Kahuna.

Vandoofus (V): Kim, are you working on the Data Controller?
Kahuna (K): I'm not Kim X-(
V: Ugh! It's your skirt.
K: Are you working or having cybersex? Or is it the same thing?
V: Did that sound like cybersex to you?
V: I wonder how you have sex X-(
K: I don't know what type of weird sex you are into X-(
V: You are the one who inferred sexual activity from, "Kim, are you working on the Data Controller?" X-(
K: Naturally, you're using some form of code :-P
V: X-(
K: You got so excited that you typed in the wrong window X-(
V: You have a Data Controller fetish? X-(
K: I didn't think such a fetish was possible
K: You have proved me wrong once again :-p

1 comment:

Big Kahuna said...

It would seem that Vandoofus has returned from exile (i.e., pandering in other blogs).

Nevertheless, his last posting poses a number of unanswered questions:

1. Who is this mysterious Kim? Is it the same as Gordon's pal Kim Jong-Il? If so, Vandoofus's nocturnal habits would seem to be quite disturbing. Not to mention communist.

2. Why was Vandoofus playing with his Data Controller on a Friday night instead of sampling the local alcoholic beverages?

3. Has New York run out of tequila?

4. What the heck is a Data Controller, anyway? Apparently it is a fetish-worthy object.

We await answers to these riddles with baited breath.