Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Way of the Anaconda

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -- In news breaking from the tropics, it has been established beyond reasonable doubt that Darth Teddy is on the prowl:

Kahuna      : Good morning. Whip()
Darth Teddy : Why hello.
Kahuna : *Gasp* You have awoken before the sun
reaches zenith!
Darth Teddy : Yeah that.
Kahuna : Would you like a dictionary?
Darth Teddy : I got my own thanks. Always handy when
you are in the vicinity.
Kahuna : As are chastity belts when you are in
the vicinity :-P
Darth Teddy : Obviously this is not the case
considering my conquests.
Kahuna : There are always those who don't listen
to good advice.
Darth Teddy : This covers 99% of the population.
Kahuna : Are you saying you did 99% of the
population? X-(
Darth Teddy : Er no. I am saying that many don't heed
good advice. In any form.
Kahuna : A mongoose should sort you out.
Darth Teddy : Nonsense. This is an anaconda not a
cobra. I will have the mongoose and
his family for dessert.
Kahuna : Might as well since your anaconda has
not been fed for a while.
Darth Teddy : *FUME*
Kahuna : *Grin* Bangkok?
Darth Teddy : Shouldn't we all :-L
Kahuna : LOL. In your case, for the safety of
others :-P
Darth Teddy : A fairly valid reason.
Kahuna : Indeed. You're quite a handful even
when you're not horny X-(
Darth Teddy : I try.
Kahuna : I know X-(
Darth Teddy provided the anaconda used in this production.

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