Sunday, October 31, 2004

Kahuna Heralds the Coming of Winter

This NB-complete photo titled omgimsoscared is the work of thecreatrus. Used under a Creative Commons License.

GAILLIMH, Éire -- Kahuna will preside over ceremonies tonight to usher in the winter and the New Year in harmony with the Celtic calendar. Bonfires and feasts are scheduled and some form of sacrifice has not been ruled out.

The Baroness—an active practitioner of the shadowy arts—is also expected to take to the skies tonight on her broomstick, weather permitting. The Baroness has threatened to turn Kahuna into a bat, should this sensitive information be blogged. However, her inability to locate the Book of Shadows at the crucial moment has confounded attempts thus far. Kahuna proposes to retaliate by arranging a plenary session of the Cat Council near her coven.

The Teddybear has not been heard from since partying in his underwear last night. Despite being a great believer in the principle of semper ubi sub ubi, it is not known if the supposedly cuddly one was successful in retaining them. Professor Gordon is absconding in the hills, possibly on a high-altitude excursion to further disrupt the ozone layer. His largeness was, however, previously spotted at his favorite watering hole, the Essential Polecat, where he pontificated at length on his plans for global domination.

The Monster has been seen at the premises of the Bogusan Empire, allegedly on imperial business. However, this has not been independently verified. St Vandoofus and Maximillian Bartus are both missing and are expected to awaken at premises other than their own shortly (clothing optional, celery compulsory).

1 comment:

Big Kahuna said...

GAILLIMH, Éire = GALWAY, Ireland, for those who do not speak Irish Gaelic.