Monday, October 11, 2004

Lost in Colombo

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -- Buffoonery took a turn for the worse this Monday morning in the tropical bogopolis of Colombo with the new Uniflow traffic system coming online. Uniflow caused chaos by updating the metropolitan routing table to declare trunk routes one-way with inter-connecting routes randomly polarized. High levels of confuse() function call usage was evidenced among motorists, along with priority given to various species of omnibus.

Motorists who had not received the routing updates were seen traversing city blocks in circular fashion with no escape route in sight. It is believed that some will never find their way out of the maze worthy of Daedalus.

Kahuna too was gravely inconvenienced when expected routes were found to be blocked by the City's Finest. However, members of said Finest demonstrated that they were indeed synchronized with the metropolitan routing table via OSPF and provided prompt exit instructions using appropriate directional gestures. This indeed turned to be the shortest path that was open.

It appears that the designers of this dastardly scheme have studied queuing theory in considerable detail before deciding to abandon it completely. The principle that adding bandwidth to already congested networks does not improve matters was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt this morning.

When asked for his views, Arch-motorist Professor Gordon quoted Nolan and said that this is still the learning stage. An expert on cyclic paths, Gordon is believed to be in the pay of the designers of Uniflow.


Big Kahuna said...

This traffic simulator is quite interesting BTBOTP -

eshan said...

I was here!