Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Topologists Raise Alarm, Guests Baffled

BEIJING, China -- Topologists have raised concerns about the user-friendliness of the polyhedral container class being constructed by Menace Industries, Inc. It has come to light that a common or garden guest would be completely baffled by the n-sided contraption and require special assistance to locate and unravel the item of confection embedded within. This quest has come to be known as the Tour de Cabbage.

Some experts were also of the view that the component polygons of the container were in fact irregular myriagons or even irregular googolgons. This stunning disclosure has led to several senior clowns—including the Ambassador to Beijing—proposing that some form of prior instruction be afforded to guests. It is envisaged that this would be modeled after the pre-flight safety demonstration of a commercial airliner.

Industry insiders believe that Menace Industries is already in talks with Vandoofus Airlines of Skylark, Connecticut for technical backing.

KNN will provide exceptionally biased coverage of this developing story.

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