Sunday, January 21, 2007

Templates and Browsers and Crop Circles, Oh My!

PANADURA, Sri Lanka -- Listen up. We've tweaked the template a bit to improve the look of the blog. The font size for posts has been reduced slightly to improve readability and put a lid on Darth Teddy's bellyaching. The left padding of blockquotes has also been reduced and the top margin has been removed. This should fix some ghastly rendering problems seen by the masochists among you who continue to use Redmond's so-called Internet Explorer (St Dogbert protect us!)

Naturally, our preferred browser is Firefox 2. Predictably, Professor Gordon disagrees strongly and is preparing for a long siege at his Alpharetta stronghold. We understand a bunker is being constructed using public funds.

While on the subject of Firefox, we think it's appropriate to report the buffoonery perpetrated by the Linux User Group (LUG) of the Oregon State University (OSU). In August last year, a group of twelve clowns—mostly from said establishment—constructed a 220-foot crop circle of the Firefox logo in an oat field outside Amity, Oregon. The outcome of their buffoonery is visible on Google Earth (45°7'24.52"N 123°6'49.09"W):


Below the logo, FX2 is spelled out using one aircraft, five automobiles and a bunch of clowns:


More information, including including aerial photographs taken during the construction of the crop circle, is available on the LUG website. The video is available on Firefox Flicks.

This buffoonery was first witnessed on Google Sightseeing.


aljuhara said...

wonder ful. You have a fan in me.

Darth Teddy said...

Does this mean that you emit a lot of air? :D