Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Invasion of Kahuna and the Cheesecake Saga

RATMALANA, Sri Lanka -- In broken news, after being uninstalled from the Orient, the self-proclaimed cheesecake engineer Big Kahuna is reported to have had a harrowing experience at Bandaranaike International Airport, Sri Lanka when a member of the female species "mistakenly" aquired his luggage which primarily consisted of used underwear. Viewers are strongly urged to come to their own conclusions regarding this matter.

After departing from said location minus luggage at an un-Godly hour Kahuna then proceeded to disturb the peaceful slumber of Darth Teddy at approximately 0245 hours (GMT+0530) in an effort to pay him a vistit AKA The Invasion of Kahuna. For those of you that are unaware it was infact Darth Teddy that was refered to as "another large clown in mysterious transit" in Kahuna previous post on global CF re-balancing. However after Kahuna disturbance of DT and eventual entry in his space a few sordid conversations took place. Unfortunately the contents of these conversations could not be disclosed as this is a family website. However we understand that the jist of the conversations had to do with the definition of a nymphomaniac based purely on data gathered through personal experience.

One conversation we can shed some light on is Kahuna's claim to have constructed a cheesecake all by himself. We understand that these are the sort of headlines that appear on tabloids around the world and apologize for flaunting it on such a reputed news network. The claim of course was immediately shot down by Darth Teddy on grounds of complete balderdash. The ability to construct an edible cheesecake has been unfortunately vetoed from Kahuna's cababilities by public demand and various health and safety organizations.

In other news the blogorazzi have informed us that Kahuna has bought himself, yes himself, a 1 litre bottle of Bacardi Rum. This is indeed news regarding the self-proclaimed non-alcoholic.

Yes, yes... News just in Kahuna's luggage has been returned to him due to used underwear not meeting specifications.

This is all the news for now we will keep you updated on proceedings and also on the inevitable retaliation of Kahuna towards Darth Teddy on revealing the truth about the Cheesecake Saga.

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