Sunday, May 28, 2006

Unquotable Quotes - Part 21

*f* has restored diplomatic ties once more.

- Kahuna, using a regular expression to represent Libyan Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi due to excessive English transliterations of the latter’s name being available.

You realize I'm the only clown on the planet that would understand that statement?
- Gordon, correctly evaluating Kahuna’s regular expression.

He should just go as a symbol like that idiot formerly known as Prince.
- Gordon, proposing to set up a symbol table for the Libyan Leader.

I just calculated that the 'f' seems to be the only usable constant.
- Kahuna, reporting his conclusions after exhaustive research on transliterating the Libyan Leader’s name.

They've probably found oil there.
- Gordon, suggesting crude reasons behind the thawing of relations with Tripoli.

You're speaking fluent sheep now.
- Kahuna, complimenting Gordon on his command of the language.

Your personal magnetism is getting you down now. Would you like to be degaussed?
- Kahuna to Gordon, offering an attractive solution to the latter being inundated by offshore clowns.

Well I don't want you declining and falling about.
- Kahuna, refusing to serve strong alcoholic beverages to Darth Teddy.

I don't decline and fall about. I gracefully collapse.
- Darth Teddy, in his own defense.

I am as gentle as a honey roasted lamb shank.
- Darth Teddy, on being accused by Kahuna of being boisterous.

I would have both if it were up to me.
- Darth Teddy, opting for both the cheesecake and bananas with rum.

I washed all my pants, so I can't go anywhere.
- Darth Teddy, declaring a state of general undress.

Are you are going to buy me weed?
- Darth Teddy, learning that Kahuna would be settling his hash.

I am an innocent little flower that you are trying to take advantage of. All I can do is call out and hope some kind soul hears me.
- Darth Teddy, engaging in a politically motivated harangue against Kahuna.

I just like dangling a carrot in front of your nose from a safe distance.
- Darth Teddy, declaring certified wuss status in the presence of Kahuna.

These are two very enjoyable things: eating and screwing, not necessarily in that order.
- Darth Teddy’s Principle of Disorderly Pleasure.

Something this decadent might be illegal.
- Darth Teddy, raising a point of law regarding Kahuna’s cheesecake.

However, it was quite hilarious watching you try to evade him.
- Kahuna, on Darth Teddy's efforts at avoiding being groped by Timmy the Ambidextrous.

You’re entertaining bears in the dead of night.
- Gordon, discovering Darth Teddy sampling culinary delights at Kahuna’s abode.

Welcome to Google Mars.
- Kahuna, predicting the inevitable.

You recall one Michael Knight had a button like this some years ago.
- Gordon to Kahuna, on the M Dynamic mode button to instantly boost engine output from 400 to 500 hp, in the 2006 BMW M5.

You will schedule air raids for each of the alliance member offices.
- Gordon to Kahuna, categorically refusing to ratify the 3.9 terabyte Holographic Versatile Disk (HVD) standard.

Including the Nippon Paint Company?
- Kahuna, clarifying the scope of air raids against the HVD Alliance.

I wonder if the NSA is monitoring this.
- Kahuna, musing on the secrecy of his conversations with Gordon.

Where is my pizza?
- Her Royal Highness, demanding Kahuna’s culinary creations in Sydney.

What do you call that thingy with the data layer, presentation layer and so on?
- Darth Teddy, on the OSI Reference Model, two degrees later.

Unfortunately things can’t have improved that much since you are obviously alive.
- Ching the Merciless, taking a dim view of Kahuna’s continued presence.

If you plan to have me hugged to death by a girl that’s okay.
- Vandoofus, objecting to Kahuna’s plan on having him hugged by Darth Teddy.

He was born to stand there and look pretty. And he does it well.
- Darth Teddy, on Her Royal Highness’s edible sibling.

Have you heard of bookmarks?
- Kahuna to the Regulator, providing the Circus URL yet again.

That requires two clicks.
- The Regulator, defending her reasons for shunning bookmarks.

I want to know whether you killed him or not with your so-called culinary delights.
- The Regulator to Kahuna, issuing a habeas corpus writ to produce Darth Teddy.

Obviously the food has dulled his senses.
- The Regulator, on Darth Teddy.

You actually own an EOS 30D?
- The Regulator, expressing concern regarding Kahuna’s latest acquisition.


Darth Teddy said...

I just like dangling a carrot in front of your nose from a safe distance.

- Darth Teddy, declaring certified wuss status in the presence of Kahuna.

I would like to state the safe distance is kept due ensure safety from Kahuna's boisterous tendencies

Big Kahuna said...

Bah! Kahuna is rarely boisterous. Darth Teddy is a large wuss. It should also be noted that the allegedly cuddly one was peeved he couldn't understand quotation #1 and was duly pointed to quotation #2.

Darth Teddy said...

This is a conspiracy I tell you by Clinton X-(

Gobblezygook said...

These stuff take more than just being able to read between the lines..Arrgh !

Darth Teddy said...

Indeed ... you need a fairly recognized qualification in cryptology in order to decipher some of the activities that tend to unfold ...

Big Kahuna said...

If it became any more cryptic, the NSA would probably take undue interest in the proceedings.

Darth Teddy said...

by D. Brown

Big Kahuna said...

More likely by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman.

Darth Teddy said...

or Triple DES or much more secure by Blowfish

Big Kahuna said...

You're bringing algorithms into this now. Onefish, twofish, redfish, bluefish by Dr Seuss.