Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Secret Life of B-Trees

NEW YORK CITY, New York – The following conversation that took place a short while ago has thrown new light into the poorly understood concept of B-trees:
Vandoofus : Are you doubting my ability to retrieve
and transfer a simple phone number?
Kahuna : Indeed I am... You couldn't do a simple
index lookup without mucking up the
whole B-tree
Vandoofus : X-(
Kahuna : :-p
Vandoofus : What’s a B-tree?
Vandoofus : Bamboo?
Vandoofus : Boxing?
Vandoofus : Buffalo?
Kahuna : Baboon
Vandoofus : Ah
Vandoofus : I didn't know baboons grew on trees
Kahuna : Oh? Where did you think they grew? X-(

This is just great, Doofi! Now I’ve got a picture in my head of baboons trying to resolve a primary key constraint. Worse, how is a balanced baboon-tree going to work? Does it mean that there will be an equal number of baboons on each side of the tree?

Oh, curse my associative memory! I just remembered the Pythagorean theorem: the squaw on the hippopotamus is equal to the sum of the squaws on the other two hides.

By Codd, Doofi, I swear I’m going to thump you silly with a foreign key!


eshan said...

This conversation did not take place. Everyone knows what B stand for you blooming bas****.

Big Kahuna said...

You can't remember the conversation already? Your B-tree is bogus! I'd have a word with your baboons, if I were you. Obviously, they're more interested in bananas X-(