Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Unquotable Quotes - Part 6

Well, is Ecuador South America or Central?

- St Vandoofus, enquiring on the geographic location of his proposed destination.

You are not helping my packing.
- St Vandoofus, objecting to Kahuna’s travel advice involving active volcanoes.

You think there is GSM in the middle of the Amazon?
- St Vandoofus, defending his missed deadlines to Kahuna.

You may refer to me as Darth Ching, and I will refer to you as Darth Pokemon.
- Darth Ching, attempting to establish protocol with Kahuna.

Did you take your inflatable lightsabre?
- Kahuna, enquiring upon Darth Ching’s ceremonial attire for viewing Episode III.

Always two there are: a master and an apprentice. If once you start down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did to Obi-Wan's apprentice.
- The Monster, at One with Yoda.

A messenger porcupine have I sent. Greatly inconvenienced you will be.
- Kahuna, declaring his intent to make the Monster Minus One with Yoda.

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