Sunday, April 17, 2005

Gordon Issues Press Release

PERADENIYA, Sri-Lanka -- In a rare and late-breaking press release issued from his hill-country retreat, Professor Gordon revealed that "Kahuna"'s venture into movie-making follows his long-standing disappointment with being unable to secure the main role of Hoke Colburn in Bruce Beresford's Pulitzer-prize winning "Driving Miss Daisy" for lack of basic skills related to the role. It is rumored however that "Kahuna" was offered the role of Miss Daisy which he promptly turned down.

Gordon expressed some level of discomfort in the film consortium's choice of director, claiming St.Vandoofus was better known for his amateur pornographic flicks than serious docu-dramas. He was nontheless prepared to give Vandoofus a fair chance and would consider his performance in "Raiders of the Lost Gearbox" as a deciding factor in who would direct the remaining two movies of the trilogy.

Gordon revealed that ClownWorks TKG will initially be funded by "Kahuna"'s covert hooch operation which is doing remarkably well, especially during the past few weeks.

Prof.Gordon also stated that he was not too sure if he should be flattered or worried about "Kahuna"'s preoccupation with publishing articles related to his activities.

1 comment:

eshan said...

you mean these arent porn? :S