Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Kahuna-Gordon Messages: Part 5 – The Way of the Pelican

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -- In an apparently related incident yesterday after the much publicized swine-crossing, a large pelican appears to have lobbed a protest against Gordon's support for the Clean Swine Bill:

Gordon : A pelican shat on [GITT] today... Its 40%
white now
Kahuna : A single pelican?
Gordon : A single
Gordon : You only realize how huge a pelican is when
they shit on you
Kahuna : Heh heh heh
Kahuna : Your appointment as arch-zoologist seems to
be paying off
Gordon : #@$$#%#%#%
Gordon : Or it could be the Jack Daniel's after shave

Although, the pelican's specific grouse against the bill is not known, experts believe that this could be a serious setback for Gordon. "A shitload of trouble," as one expert put it.

Taking a distinctly gravitational view, the Monster commented that, "the pelican must be in orbit after loosing so much mass." He added that NASA has been requested to verify his proposition.

St Vandoofus was reportedly amused by the incident, proposing "Protesting Pelican Shits on Clean Swine Bill" and "Pelicans Drop their Thoughts about the Clean Swine Bill" as headlines for this report.

1 comment:

Darth Teddy said...

Other headlines could read ... "The Pelican Briefs" or lack thereof ...