Thursday, December 22, 2005

Closing Date for the Vandoofus Prize Announced

HOLLYWOOD, California Republic (ENN) -- The Board of Buffoons organizing the Vandoofus Prize (also cutely referred to as “Whiskers” by some) has released a statement clarifying the closing date for the ‘blasted competition.’ In the statement the board said the deadline for submitting photographs will be at 23:59:59 Coordinated Universal Time on the 31st of December 2005.

The statement added that an extension until the end of January was considered, given that some members have reportedly left civilization and are unable to submit entries. However, the board has decided to follow the advice of Kahuna who has apparently said “we can't be adjusting for clowns” and decided to stick to the original deadline of 31st December.

The winners will be announced a week from the closing date. About 6 clowns are vying for the prestigious Vandoofus Prize. Two honors, The Vandoofus Prize for the Best Photograph and the Vandoofus Prize for the Best Photographer, will be awarded to the best overall photograph and the most creative photographer respectively. The winners will be selected by a poll open to the public. The photographs are being consolidated in one page by Kahuna, the Technical Director of the competition, for purposes of voting.

The board also stated that they are undecided whether to continue the competition as an annual event or given the huge success of the first ever Vandoofus Prize, to hold the event quarterly. The decision will be announced after the award ceremony planned to be held in January 2006.

The Chairman of the Board talking to reporters also requested from the contestants, especially the Monster and Darth Teddy, who seem to have an awful lot of time to run around with a camera (a condition also known as ‘joblessness’), not to flood the Circus with mediocre entries as the deadline approaches. The Chairman also urged the contestants to lose the ‘macro mode’ if possible and to use other subjects beside insects to diversify the competition.

1 comment:

Darth Teddy said...

This by a person who starts fires and takes pictures of them ... Tell you what ... why don't we have a Van "no talent" doofus prize for best creative arsonist as well ?