Friday, December 16, 2005

Vandoofus Competiton Reveals True Colours

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- Amidst the superior photographic skills of Big Kahuna, Darth Teddy and new entrant the Real Kahuna, St. Vandoofus has expressed what can only be decribed as chicken shit (no offense to the chicken that crossed the road) allegations of foul play with regard to the competiton. Vandoofus appears to have got his knickers in such a twist that he has apparently resorted to arson, which could soon develop into self mutilation, or so we all hope.

In response to allegations, various analysis techniques carried out on the entries submitted by Big Kahuna and Darth Teddy have revealed them to be authentic works of art. While in answer to allegations of substance abuse it was discovered that DT's knowledge of substances were very limited, however further research revealed that Vandoofus was no stranger to said substance abuse and was in rehabilitation a short while ago. However the substances seemed to have had taken crippling side effect on him judging by his ears.

One of the investigators speaking to BNN after the results were released stated that, "Vandoofus appears to be up a shit creek without a paddle, because the only way he is gonna win this thing is if he is the sole entrant."

On that note we will sign off with a promise to bring you more as the story unfolds, and now for the weather with Ms Sizzling Hot...


eshan said...

Obviously, still under the influence!

Darth Teddy said...

Well .. I guess you would know best ..