Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vandoofus Prize Update: Keeping Professor Gordon Out

FISHKILL, New York -- The much anticipated Vandoofus Prize recipient is to be determined by a vote at the end of the year and so far entries from Vandoofus himself and Kahuna have been fighting for the top prize in this ‘to-be’ annual event. Speaking to photo bloggers recently, Vandoofus said he is optimistic that he will be able to win his own prize defeating the sole competitor Kahuna who has submitted ducks and cats which show very little potential.

In contrast, Vandoofus has submitted number of funky, alternative photos which he admits was taken accidentally with random setting. He is still in the process of learning how to operate the rather complex (by his standards) piece of electronics with a lens. “The entry House of Horrors was captured entirely by accident while bolting out of the horror house for obvious reasons,” said Vandoofus describing the circumstances behind one of his colorful entries.

While making a public statement welcoming any competition from other circusittes, it is alleged that Vandoofus, in private, has said he wishes to keep Gordon out of the race for fear of losing the prize to Gordon.

Vandoofus has secretly told someone who wishes to remain anonymous, that all measures will be taken to keep Gordon, who is currently out in the Capitol Hill lobbying for the Clean Swine Bill, out of the competition to secure an easy victory for himself over Kahuna.

1 comment:

Big Kahuna said...

Circusittes? What kind of a word is circusittes? The correct term would be clowns. I will have the Society for the Prevention of Abuse of Nouns (SPAN) revoke your license to write, if you don't watch it.